
Development of export activities of Wascovilla S.C. into new markets

The company is implementing the project entitled. "Development of export activities of Wascovilla S.C. to new markets",under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 Support for innovation in enterprises, Measure 3.3 Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises, Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of...

Development of WASCOVILLA’s export activities by promoting products on foreign markets

The company is implementing the project entitled. "Development of export activity of the company WASCOVILLA through promotion of products on foreign markets",under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 Support for innovation in enterprises, Measure 3.3 Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises, Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for...

R&D work carried out by WASCOVILLA S.C. and the Koszalin University of Technology on the development of a complex of system solutions for the construction of multi-family residential buildings in the system of residential modules of wooden structure joined by the height and length of the building

The company is carrying out a project entitled. "R&D work carried out by WASCOVILLA S.C. and Koszalin University of Technology on the creation of a complex of system solutions for the construction of multi-family residential buildings in the system of residential modules of wooden structure joined by the height and...

Introduction of innovative solutions in the company in connection with the launch of the production of the new innovative product X-Homebox – a modular house.

The company is implementing the project entitled. "Introduction of innovative solutions in the company in connection with the launch of production of a new innovative product X-Homebox - a modular house.",as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 Economy, Innovation, Modern Technologies, Measure...